Hacked Harmony: Circuit Bending Portable Transistor Radios | Worshop led by Juan Orozco

Presented as part Radio Silence programming
Free and open to the public

Sunday, June 30, 3 pm onwards (ongoing until 7 pm)

ZÖNOTÉKA (Hobrechtstraße 54, 12047 Berlin)

In the context of ‘urban silence,’ we ask ourselves: what information is available to us in the public sphere, and what information do we create ourselves? What role do sound, or sound information (or disinformation) play in silencing? Composer and sound designer Juan Orozco will lead a circuit bending – hacking portable transistor radio workshop to get into the guts of these devices, get to know them, and modify them, achieving unexpected sound results. This will allow participants to modify and enrich the acoustic space surrounding them and the exhibition, thus creating, producing, and listening to their own sound information within their own frequency radius, internetless and outside the influence of hegemonic media. Participants and spectators are invited to bring their portable (battery) transistor radios, or use the ones we will have at the workshop.

